Oh Darling, Let's Be Adventurers

Oh darling. Lets be adventurers.  Let's transcend beyond the everyday routine for something grand, something bold, somethin...

Oh darling. Lets be adventurers. Let's transcend beyond the everyday routine for something grand, something bold, something they have told us is not yet possible.

Some days, darling, we may need to uproot adventure in the mundane, peddling furiously against the pang of the uneventful. 

But most days we will stumble upon it without effort, stealing away into the night as self-proclaimed vagabonds, buccaneers, runaways even, on grand heists of Homeric valor and courage.

Take me to a place where time is ample liquid trickling endlessly between our fingers, and loss a mere preference.

Let's create a place where alarm clocks elicit twirls and trigger dimples, and our dreams aren't nearly as majestic as reality.

Oh darling, these boots were made for so much more than just walking. 

post inspired by her.

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